Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm not sure why I thought just leaning in like this would be cute.
I even thought in my head that it was going to be a cute picture after we took it but before I saw it.
Oh dear me.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
For the Love of Coffee Grounds
Thank goodness I found these so that I could pick up the 5 day old molded corn on the cob. I gagged 3 times and really thought I was going to throw up because of the smell. I can't figure out what exactly was so bad, but it was this one area, and OH MY WORD, it was hellacious.
After a long time of cleaning, I ended up with this. You can't see the coffee grounds still scattered over the ground. Maybe Gdad won't be able to see them either!
So I come back upstairs to make some coffee and get out the coffee filter from yesterday and drop it. I've already cleaned up about 5 different coffee filters and grounds. So this will make the 6th, but the difference is that these grounds are wet and in the kitchen.
But actually, with all of this, I'm just laughing. I think that's really all I can do. Along with pray that when I go to the grocery in a little while that they don't have one of those center stacked things with a tower of coffee grounds in glass bottles. Because if they do, I will most definitely accidently hit the tower with my buggy while being too concentrated on which flavor of Coffee-Mate creamer to buy... because that is usually the most important decision I make at the grocery store: amaretto or belgian chocolate?
But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.
Psalm 71:14
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What to do?
I have got to think of some activities to do with Granddaddy. He just sits there in his chair for hours unless I ask him to go on a hike or to the grocery store with me. It's been raining for about a month straight, so we can't really go to the park or pool.
Yesterday, I cleaned (along with broke some of my grandmother's beautiful glass things) all day until about 1 and then we went to the grocery and then I cooked dinner. So all except the half hour at the grocery, he was sitting in his chair or in his bed. What to do? I have no idea. I better get my thinking cap on before he loses his ability to walk and think.
Yesterday, I made all the things that I told you I was going to make and every single one of them turned out to be pretty good. The grilled pineapple was my favorite party and I used this recipe. It was very different, but a good different. Then dessert, the peanut butter brownie cups. They were pretty tasty.
To celebrate Memorial Day, I went to the Lookouts game because they had fireworks. We had seats on the first row where we could prop our feet up on the dugout. I had so much fun visiting with Teen, Sam, Logan and David.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
She keeps her beads in a keg
The week started out being so much fun with Merd's friends John and Son coming to town. We got to do all the fun Chatt-town things, like the Riverwalk, Clumpies and the lake. But, the lake was slightly different this time. Normally it's hot with skiing and swimming. This time I had chill bumps the whole time and it was a bunch of climbing and freaking out for me. We were sailing. Oh, how I love sailing. You know, me and adventures go together like peanut butter and bananas. I love being scared for my life.
We can just put it this way, the next day, my neck was literally sore from being so tensed up for the 3 or 4 hours we were out there. I didn't tell anyone because it was slightly embarassing. Everyone else was enjoying themselves, but Merd and I, we were having a harder time doing that. But, I must say, in the end, I was truly glad I went. It made for some good memories. I'll always remember sailing with the MacLeans. It was some good bonding time with the people I had just met. They could quickly learn that I don't like adventures.
So then they left and the next day Merd, Mars, and I took Gdad to get pedicures. It was much needed for all of us and Gdad loved it. He keeps asking me how often we're supposed to go back to get another one.
I stayed with Gdad a lot this week, and Friday we took him to hear country/bluegrass music at this place that we knew he loved because we thought he should get out a little. So, we go in and there aren't many seats, so we go sit in the seats that are like on the stage behind the band where people dance. Merd, Gdad and I sit down and immediately I notice a woman a few rows in front of me turning backwards staring at me. I feel awkward and look away and then look back and there she is, still staring. I'm feeling quite uncomfortable now but I assume the best, that she's looking at someone behind me.
So then the woman gets her stuff and moves to the seat directly in front of me and does a complete turn around to stare. I'm thinking what in the world, this is totally CREEPY. She's right in my face, and now even Gdad notices, and that's saying a lot. So she does that for a while and then gets a bead necklace out of her purse and turns around and puts it on me! Then she puts another on Meredith and starts talking to me.
She has no teeth and I quickly realized that she's just not all there in the head. She said she sells them for $4 each so we had to pay her. I was completely flustered and didn't know what to do- we had no cash so had to get a loan from Gdad.
The woman talks to me for the rest of the night and I could barely understand what she was saying because it was loud and she made no sense to me. I know she was talking about a motel once. And she keeps her beads in a keg. Children make her confused. She gets confused when children are around. Children make her confused. She gets confused when children are around. Children make her confused. (She repeated herself) And lastly, she has a thing down yonder with my name on it. A thing. A thing down at house. With my name. My name really big. My name across it down yonder. I never actually told her my name.
So, yes, now I have a new $4 beaded necklace like the ones I used to make in elementary school.
After that, I watched her gradually spend the $8 we paid her on a hot dog, popcorn, candy, and 2 Sprites. She must have been really hungry, and Gdad was so confused the whole about why we had to pay her. He didn't realize she wasn't all there, so he kept trying to talk to her and then he'd make faces to her right in front of her face because she would start talking about some motel she stayed at on the floor with her teacher. It was a situation to laugh at because if not, I'd just feel really awkward. We had a late night. Mars and Lara showed up and we all took turns dancing with Gdad on stage and didn't get Gdad home until 10:30- record time.
That was the highlight of our weekend around here. Saturday consisted of hanging out with family, family, and more family. And also David at night. He should probably feel special since he's the only non-family member I saw all day.
Today, Gdad went to church with my family instead of with FP where he normally goes. After church, we went to Sweet Peppers and it's like Panera-- You order at the front and then you get your food. He was paying and he went to the lady and asked if there's any way we could put all 6 of us on one ticket. Then he asked if we pay up front. Then he asked if he could pay before we order. The woman was so confused and trying not to laugh. And I was trying to keep from laughing along with my mom and Lellen. Oh my, Gdad Gdad.
So also, here are pictures from the last post that I couldn't add.
Merd and Lellen with those strawberry cupcakes.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Surprise Doog!
But, for the real weekend, I had a busy one. Well, summer busy isn't the same as school busy, but I sure was tired enough to take a three-hour nap today.
We celebrated Merd's birthday Friday with lunch at Greenlife and then a walk around Coolige for a while to enjoy the sticky humid rainy weather. It was so lovely out. Friday night during our being slight bored(mostly), slightly thoughtful, we decided to decorate Granddaddy's house for his birthday the next day so that when he woke up, it would all be decorated. He kept forgetting when his birthday was, so we figured it'd be a good idea to decorate everywhere so that he didn't forget.
We trapped him in his room with streamers in the morning and had this sign there so that he didn't miss it. He had to walk through the bathroom and other bedroom to get out.
We spent the night there Friday and we had fun. A lot of fun. G-daddy started telling me stories the other day and we had so much fun talking about the old days. He told me that his friends in college called him Doog instead of Dugg. I told him that is what I'm going to start calling him and he gets quite a kick out of that. He's also been called Hal, Harold, Dugg, Dugger, Doug, and Harry. Don't know how he answers to ALL of those!
So anyways, Saturday, we cooked all day, making pork tenderloin and strawberry cupcakes mostly. The icing took me HOURS because I put too many strawberries in and then had to figure out how to rethinken it. Oh, it was a pain. I had to add cream cheese, powdered sugar, jello, and corn starch, and it still wasn't perfect.
I have pictures but the picture thing isn't working. And I also have pictures from Malone's party. Maybe I'll put them up later.
We ended the night with the family over for dinner and then we watched Twilight for the second night in a row at Anne G's.
This morning was church, then David's rockin' graduation lunch. I came home to G-dad's and took a nap with Merd on his sofa for about 3 hours while watching one of my favorite movies ever, What Happens in Vegas.
I woke up, we ate at my house and now I'm trying to figure out what to do all evening, and it will probably end up being nothing. It's cold and rainy and it's hard to find anything fun to do in that weather.
By the way, this is killing me that pictures can't be posted after those first four. Oh how I wish I was good on computers. That is a lost cause though, it's oh so lost.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Birthday Season
Ang and LA's were yesterday. Merd's is today. Uncle Happy and G-Daddy's is tomorrow and Uncle FP's is Monday.
We want to do something fun for G-daddy tomorrow since it's his first birthday in a while (52+ years) to celebrate without Nanny. I had the idea to go rollerskating but he didn't seem too excited about that. He said he'd rather us just make dinner. So the plan is pork tenderloin, broccoli casserole, sweet potatoes, salad, and rolls. We have 20 family members coming and we're hoping it's going to be nice outside so we can enjoy the weather. I can't decide what to make for dessert, but I was thinking these strawberry cupcakes might be good.
Oh, decisions, decisions. Collisions, collisions.
Anyone have any other ideas for desserts? I want to make something somewhat summerish but still tasty.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sobbing Scenes: Story of my life.
There was a Student Venture banquet tonight that was a fundraiser for the Chattanooga Student Venture. Nanny and Granddaddy were a big part of Student Venture and they actually got it started in Chatt-town, so tonight the family was invited to the banquet and it was a tribute to my grandmother. I went thinking that it'd mostly be a fundraiser with a little talk about Nanny and Granddaddy, but not a big deal. I was wrong. Darryl talked for about 10 minutes about her (Hebrews 11:4-"through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks.") and I was pretty okay during that part, you know, not making a crying scene or anything as the family was sitting front and center of the couple hundred.
But then came the SLIDE SHOW. And the second he said there was going to be a slide show with music, I knew it was all over (it was terrible, not the slide show, but me.) Today, Mary and I had been going through all of her letters and bible notes, so she was very fresh on my mind. Therefore, Mary and I pretty much made a scene with our loud sobbing. That's always a good way to be remembered. I had to go out to gather myself in the bathroom. I pretty much never cry like that in front of my family at home, yet I break down at the dry cleaners, in front of random old women, or at a banquet. That makes a whole lot of sense, right?
With that said, it really was a wonderful program and I'm thankful I went. Just hopefully I won't see anyone from there for a while and I'll be even more thankful.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Trampolines and Bruises
It began with getting mono in October and not know until 6 weeks later, then keeping mono until February. So, I pretty much laid on my sofa/bed most of the year.
My roomie Gav moved out, so it was slightly quiet in my apartment alone, but it was good for me to rest as much as I could.
My hands started turning dark blue all the time in January and February. We still don't know why.
I started also having bad joint problems during this time and it hurt to move a lot of times.
I got a HORRIBLE haircut at the end of January.
You can laugh. It's okay. That's all I can do. And it's still not back out to the normal length.
So, anyways, I would come home like every weekend because I had to go to doctors appointments.
Valentine's day weekend I came home and I was going off steroids so I wasn't feeling well and like slept a ton. On Sunday, I got up and don't remember church really, then came home, skipped lunch and slept almost all day. I woke up and decided I needed to have my eyebrows waxed. So my aunt waxed Mary's, then mine because she always does. This time, my skin came OFF of my eyelids. They were like bleeding. These were my best friends for the next THREE days, even inside.
So I left home to go back to school with a wet rag and neosporin on my eyelids. Mary spilt a glass of water on me in the car, so I proceeded to put it in my purse so that it wouldn't fall as easily. My mom called me on the way and told me I had bounced two checks that would cost $42. And then I remembered that I left all of my money at home along with my favorite jacket. So not thinking, I put my phone in my purse for the rest of the drive where it had the chance to have a bath in my glass of water. I got back to my apartment where I checked my grades to see that I got a zero on my project because the email didn't work. And then... I looked into my purse to discover my newly bathed phone that no longer worked. I took a sleeping pill and went to bed, hoping I'd wake up in the morning because my alarm clock on my phone didn't work and there was no way to get in touch with anyone.
Then I began to get better at the beginning of March.
My sweet grandmother died at the end of March, so that was incredibly sad, and it still is.
But, the reason I thought to tell you all of this is because of what happened to me yesterday.
Mitchell and David
came over and they love jumping on the trampoline. So I decided to jump with them because they told me to, but I really didn't like it because they jump so high and I just know I'm going to get hurt. Anyways, Mitch jumped high and somehow fell over on me and I landed and hit the side of the trampoline and am not sure how I didn't fall off but I think it was because Mitchell landed on my legs. Anyways, I hit my elbow on the metal part of the trampoline and it hurt.
Yes, it is bruised to say the least. I'm lookin' good with my short sleeves and tank tops on. And, you know how you never know how much you used a part of your body until it's like sore or bruised? Well I found out that yes, I actually use my elbow quite a bit.
Mitchell made fun of me for getting off the trampoline after that. But I do believe that my reason was plenty good.
I get hurt all the time. I have gotten hit twice by a basketball during one game in high school while I was watching from about the 3rd row. That year I got hit by two baseballs too at high school baseball games while I was taking money at the gate. And someone served a tennis ball once and it hit me straight in the nose and it was going so fast. I cried. I got hit at an indoor soccer game that had a net around the field but the soccer ball went over the net (my luck) and hit me right in the face, and I was alone in the stands with no one near me watching Laura play. All the other parents came around to check on me. It was awkward, painful, and embarrassing. Story of my life.
I could go on for days about getting hit by things, falling in public, and hurting myself in the most random ways. But, neither of us have enough time for that.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Fresh Fish and Seafood for Dinner Please, All of that.
Anyways, my job for the summer is staying with my grandfather because my grandmother died in March and he gets really bored being alone, and he also doesn't know how to do the laundry and stuff like that. Sooo... I stay entertained all day long. I go up to his house which is next door at 9am and do dishes and he goes to his office from 10-1 and I shower, chill, do homework and chores and then when he gets back we go on walks or do errands.
This is granddaddy and me. I absolutely adore him.
He is HILARIOUS. He answers the phone, "Doo Drop Inn, How may I help you?" or something like that and he confuses the heck out of people.
Yesterday I tried to call his cell phone but he didn't answer, so then I called the office and talked to him, and he explained to me that he was pretty sure his cell phone didn't have to be on for it to ring. But, I tried to assure him that he should leave it on in order to get calls. I still don't think he understands.
Tonight we went to J Alexanders for my parents' anniversary and the waitress asked what Granddaddy wanted and he said "Fresh Fish and Seafood," which was like the title, like "Appetizers," "Salads," etc. Then I tried to ask which of the fresh fish or seafood he wanted, and he said, "I want a little bit of everything." I didn't know what to do. It was really awkward, and the waitress was so confused. I finally just got him to order shrimp. Then laughed about it later. But, I'm telling you, some of these situations are just plain awkward.
My sister's friend's mom was over at our house today and he walked up and grabbed her and started dancing with her. He had no idea who she was, I guess he just felt the urge to dance. Luckily, she laughed. And we all laughed.
He really keeps me entertained. And he keeps me busy. When he can't remember something, he flat out tells people that he has the early signs of Alzheimer's and it makes people feel awkward.
I really need to get unpacked and get my life in order. I am supposed to get done at g-daddy's at 5 but he doesn't like to be alone so like last night I stayed till 8; therefore, I get nothing done at home. Not that it's hard, I really do have fun.
Since I have no pictures of my room or dinner tonight, I'm going to show you a few of the things that I'm excited about this summer.
This is my adorable little cousin Bryan who lives next door and helps my dad with his garden. I am pumped about chillin' with him this summer. And about the garden too-I'm ready for some fresh vegetables.
The church we go to in the summer. It's just a summertime church, and I love it. It's realllly old, the windows are open the entire service, and there is a bell in the front that the little kids ring at the end of the service.
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm going to stay on top of this this summer, but I just got swamped with things to do for a couple of days. Hopefully everything will slow down soon because I don't want the summer to fly by me. I need it to last for a little while before school work begins again.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Last day with my Pi's
1. Wake up, blog for a while all together. [A great way to start any day.]
2. Leave for the outlet stores in NILLA. Nilla is EWill's rental, and she is a beaut. She's a vanilla PT Cruiser and is pictured below.
I have really cool friends and all and have an amazing room, bed, and pretty much a pretty sweet set up here. My sorority is rockin'. Have a pretty good location on campus (at top of a gynormous hill). I pretty much just have a lot of things here I'm going to miss. But honestly, I'm really going to miss Sweet Nilla the most. She drives so smoothly, and she saved us from about 3 wrecks, no joke. I love her looks. I love the memories we have in her. And the best part about her, when we drive by guys in her, we ALWAYS get stares. I'm not even kidding. Like, I thought my car would get attention, NO, Nilla calls way more attention. She's a babe magnet.
Anyways, Nilla got us safely to J Crew to get some new clothes. I got this:
I also got two tanks and a super cute yellow and white patterned skirt but it's not on their website, so sorry no picture.
After a few hours, Nilla brought us back to our apartment where we got ready to go out to our last dinner. We had somewhat nice weather all day, but as we were getting ready, taking showers to look super cute, a huge storm began. So, we got to celebrate our last night in the pouring down rain. Lucky for us, our car was only a half mile away and then once we got downtown, the parking garage was only about a half mile from the restaurant with a never ending puddle to get to the restaurant. Good memories.
The restaurant was amazing. I decided the next time I'm on a date, and the guy asks where I want to go, I'm saying Cafe Four. Problem is, that's probably not going to be in the near future. Soo... we'll probably have to go back again for girls night soon.
All in all, we actually had an awesome time despite the thunder rain circumstances. And when we got back, we had to take pictures on my awesomely huge bed because I'm gonna miss it.
We're going to finish the night out with a little High School Musical 3 and maybe some spontaneous events. Then it's moving all day tomorrow. I'm going to miss this place and these people this summer!