
Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello New Frig!

We have been really needing a new frig for a while.
It started out this past summer when it leaked and all our food got wet.
Every day.
Every day I came in to find soaking wet carrots or leftovers or whatever it might be that I wanted to eat.

Jim fixed that by putting none other than the SHAM-WOW below where it leaked,
and told me to squeeze that out whenever it got full.
That should keep it from getting the food wet. 

I never really wanted to take the time to squeeze it out and get all wet.
It was pretty gross.
Jim eventually got a guy over to look at it, and the man fixed it...
For a little while.

Before Christmas, probably about four months ago, our frig door started not shutting.
I came in in the mornings and it would be cracked open.
Or I'd come home at night and it'd be just barely open.
It was just enough to be wasting energy.

We tried taking things out of the door, and that worked for a while.
After a while, that no longer worked, so we resorted to duck tape.
We put duck tape on the door and would duck tape it back every time.
We used one piece of tape for as long as it stayed sticky, and then changed it. 

The duck tape worked, but sometimes it didn't work if the duck tape wasn't sticky
or if we forgot to press the duck tape back down after using it. 

And so, we told Jim the landlord.

Jim looked for a frig for about a month. 
He told us that he wanted to find an old refrigerator because old ones last longer.
Finally, he found an old frig.
We were so excited! 

He told us to eat all the food in our old freezer and frig before we swapped them out.
That took a while... 
But finally, today, we got a new refrigerator.

We said good-bye to the old one...
We won't miss it.

And we said hello to the new one! 
We were surprised at its odd color... 
Something from the 70's maybe?
It's an off-white, creamy, yellowish color.
It doesn't quite go with our green and white kitchen.
We decided that we'll cover it up with magnets and such.

It's bigger than the other one and has a nifty place for eggs and a tray for frozen pizzas.
We are very happy with its sturdy door that shuts.
Jim said he got one with a magnet on the door for us, so it will be sure to close.
(Like we were the ones who caused the last one not to shut... haha.)
Oh, Jim! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I'm a terrible blogger. I wrote a post about Bruno varmint who lives under our house, 
but I never pressed the "Publish" button. 

In a nutshell, the post pretty much said that Bruno the varmint(s?) is still living in our little yellow house and he (they?) is active as ever. We are pretty sure that there are multiple varmints now. Disgusting! It sounds like there are at least five. And they are most likely HUGE rats. They sound heavy, but they have claws and obviously fit in pretty small places. 

It kind of freaks me out sometimes. It sounds like someone is trying to get into our house or something because they are so loud! They gnaw on things, scurry up metal pipes, run laps in our attic, chill out behind our shower...  I think they are more comfortable in our home than we are now. 

So anyways, last night I had a dream that our house was infested with snakes... AHHH! That was so much worse! I found eight copperheads. Seven baby-ish snakes first, then a big mama snake. It was horrible and I'm getting the chills just blogging about it. Of course in my dream, I had no good tools to kill the things so I ran outside helpless. I'm pretty sure that dream stemmed from the varmint problem that we have that I feel is spiraling out of control.

We have a new exterminator come now who has been in this business for about 50 years and he says that it will take weeks before the varmints die. He set traps. Jim the landlord comes just about every day to check on them. He put out his own poison, and he told us that if that doesn't work, he's bringing his shot gun. On a separate occasion, he told us that he's going to burn our house down. I only ask that I can bring my computer, phone, books, clothes, and pictures outside first. 

Anyways, I keep remembering that there could be much worse problems. I am blessed to have a warm-ish, dry house during this cold winter. I will probably miss the darn varmints when/if ever they are gone because it will be so quiet. Who knows? 

Just a quick update on my life besides my home: I had the busiest week ever last week with four tests and two papers. This coming up week won't be so bad! I just have a test and paper due Monday. Woo who!! Spring Break is coming up and I'm excited about that. I'm getting sad that I'm graduating soon and  leaving Knoxville. I'm trying to get some job interviews. Uncle Paul and Uncle Wade are both trying to set me up with some interviews, so that's so nice. I'm going to the job fair soon. So, there are a lot of unknowns in that area! 

I have had two friends get engaged this week (so exciting!!). My big sis Anna got engaged Friday night and she called me yesterday to tell me before I saw on facebook, and I thought that was so sweet of her. On Tuesday, my friend Emily got engaged and we went over to greet her at her friend's house afterwards and see her beautiful ring. I'm so excited for them both. 

I now have seven engaged friends!! Talk about some wedding talk going on... But it's so much fun! I feel like I'm going to know exactly what I want for my wedding someday after all this talk. 

This was about exactly 4 years ago. There is no telling what we were doing.
I'm so thankful for this girl though. We've been through 4 years of college together and are still good friends. We have lunch together a couple of times a week and always have so much fun. Gonna miss you, Val! 

And really, what were we doing?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Be of good cheer

I read this verse last night, and it was perfect timing.

With winter weather and rainy days,
being inside all the time,
watching the video about about sex trafficking,
looking at my pictures of Haiti,
reading about the riots in the Middle East,
hearing one too many sob stories...

Well, sometimes I'm not 'of good cheer'.

This reminder came right in time! 
All of this stuff is happening and
there is no denying that it is terrible. 
But Jesus has overcome this world!
And I can rest in that.

He knows what's going on.
He knows what He's doing. 

"The LORD is in his holy temple;
   the LORD is on his heavenly throne.
He observes everyone on earth;
   his eyes examine them."
Psalm 11:4

Be of good cheer!