1. Wake up, blog for a while all together. [A great way to start any day.]
2. Leave for the outlet stores in NILLA. Nilla is EWill's rental, and she is a beaut. She's a vanilla PT Cruiser and is pictured below.
I have really cool friends and all and have an amazing room, bed, and pretty much a pretty sweet set up here. My sorority is rockin'. Have a pretty good location on campus (at top of a gynormous hill). I pretty much just have a lot of things here I'm going to miss. But honestly, I'm really going to miss Sweet Nilla the most. She drives so smoothly, and she saved us from about 3 wrecks, no joke. I love her looks. I love the memories we have in her. And the best part about her, when we drive by guys in her, we ALWAYS get stares. I'm not even kidding. Like, I thought my car would get attention, NO, Nilla calls way more attention. She's a babe magnet.
Anyways, Nilla got us safely to J Crew to get some new clothes. I got this:

I also got two tanks and a super cute yellow and white patterned skirt but it's not on their website, so sorry no picture.
After a few hours, Nilla brought us back to our apartment where we got ready to go out to our last dinner. We had somewhat nice weather all day, but as we were getting ready, taking showers to look super cute, a huge storm began. So, we got to celebrate our last night in the pouring down rain. Lucky for us, our car was only a half mile away and then once we got downtown, the parking garage was only about a half mile from the restaurant with a never ending puddle to get to the restaurant. Good memories.
The restaurant was amazing. I decided the next time I'm on a date, and the guy asks where I want to go, I'm saying Cafe Four. Problem is, that's probably not going to be in the near future. Soo... we'll probably have to go back again for girls night soon.
All in all, we actually had an awesome time despite the thunder rain circumstances. And when we got back, we had to take pictures on my awesomely huge bed because I'm gonna miss it.
We're going to finish the night out with a little High School Musical 3 and maybe some spontaneous events. Then it's moving all day tomorrow. I'm going to miss this place and these people this summer!
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