Saturday, November 28, 2009
He's Just Fun!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
My Favorite Day of the Year
But, I like Thanksgiving because a.) it's not too hyped up b.) my entire family is here including the Nashville cousins c.) foooood d.) our annual Thanksgiving walk to the brow, and lastly e.) the weather always seems to be perfect November weather.
We also always have step-by-step photographs of what we do for this holiday.
Mother Dear cooked in the morning...
Bry and LA came down while Aunt Ang was getting ready to have everyone to her house for lunch. They juiced some oranges that Padre brought back from Florida.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thankful in a Different Way
Friday, November 13, 2009
Rescued from Darkness and Brought into the Kingdom
I read a great blog post from Steph last night, then I printed it off because I knew I needed to be reminded over and over, and I read it again as I was getting ready this morning.
The end of her post says:
If you have nothing else to be thankful for, be thankful that, if you know Christ, you have been rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of the Son who God loves, in whom you have redemption!So, all the mornings I wake up in a bad mood. The days that I feel sorry for myself because I have bad grades. The times that I think about how bad my year has been. The times last year when I thought that nothing could get worse and it did. The weeks that I spent complaining about my joints hurting.
Well, for all those times, WHAT was I thinking?
I have been rescued from the darkness. Jesus died for me. God loves me enough to let His Son die. The Holy Spirit speaks to me even today. What could be better?
If during those days of darkness, hopelessness, battling of the mind, tension, illness... If those days bring me closer to Him, bring 'em on.
I saw a quote in my journal, and I don't know where it's from, but I don't think I made it up, and it says, "everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus." (I think it's a paraphrase of Phil 3:8)
The things that I think count so much [grades, surface relationships, stress, clothes, my well-being, future jobs] aren't worth even a smidgen compared to knowing Jesus. And I think in my life, God has had to take some of those things away from me, and it's been painful, but I think that I'll look back and be thankful for a few miserable college semesters, because in the long run, that misery will make a bigger difference in my life than having a few fun-filled, care-free college semesters would have made.
And I'd rather have that. I'd rather suffer and really know Jesus.
So, last night I prayed that the Lord would do whatever He wanted to in my life, whether it was in the "plan" or not, just as long as it brings me closer to him. And, that was a scary thing to do.
I woke up at 1:20 and was lying in bed, and got a phone call which I thought was my alarm clock going off so I grabbed my phone and clicked the button which answered the private number, and so then I had to say hello. The person on the other line said, "Dis Mel?" I tried to sound awake and replied, "Yes." The man just breathed in the phone for a few long seconds and then hung up.
I'm not sure if I was being ridiculous, but I got really scared as I was lying in bed. Immediately, I thought, God do you have a stalker in mind to draw me nearer to You? Because, I really wasn't thinking you'd take me seriously so quickly, and please, not a stalker. Please God.
I started praying to God that I wouldn't see a shadow in my window (big imagination + middle of the night) and that I could go back to sleep.
But I started thinking, what a blessing it is that I have GOD on my side! Yeah, we have the God who made this entire universe taking care of us. Everything won't be easy and safe, but it will be good and we will thrive with Him, no matter the circumstance.
Because I have been rescued from that dreary, dark night (literally and figuratively) and brought into the brilliant daylight, and it's nothing I did. I was able to wake up refreshed. And let me tell you, that wasn't my doing. I used to not be able to sleep in my 2nd story bedroom alone because there was a window behind my headboard.
That's something to be thankful for. Be joyful. As a believer, you have the most amazing gift and blessing that you could ever imagine.
Those little things from past days, yeah I'm thankful for them, but this thing, this being rescued by the God of everything- it's everlasting, forever, mind-boggling, life-changing- it is the only thing that will ever satisfy me and you.
And the word thankful, well it really can't describe my appreciation for it.
Thank Him, praise Him, honor Him, sing about Him, rave about Him, adore Him, and love Him, because even if nothing else appears 'good' in your life, you have been rescued from darkness forever, and can now experience the Kingdom of God-- and that is AWESOME.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Weather: Break or Make my Day?
Today I am especially thankful for the weather. The weather can make or break me. I think I've mentioned that before, but really, if I wake up to a cloudy, rainy, cold day, I have a hard time enjoying that day. I need to work on that, I know.
At any rate, I'm sitting outside right now, in the middle of November in Tennessee, in a sweater-type thing. You might actually make fun of what I'm wearing and call it a granny jacket (it actually was my grandmother's). But I don't care; it's comfortable.

My point being is that my sweater is very light-weight and that I feel perfect out here on my balcony. Not too cold, not too hot.
And my view on this beautiful day, well, it is awesome. This is the hill that I look at each and every day that I spend here in Cuetee (my apartment complex). I look at this hill longing for the desire to walk up it for exercise, but I've only had that desire once while living here and let's just say that I had to wash my jeans and my shirt sleeves after

So anyways, thank you God for these amazingly beautiful days you have given us in November. And I pray for many more to come. Please!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
An Appreciation for Bowls
Thankful Day Eleven
I know I've missed about 4 days or so of being thankful, but I was just not able to pull it together enough to post. But I'm pulling myself together now so I can write to you lovely blog stalkers.
I was sick on Sunday and Monday and stayed in the bed for the majority of that time, then made myself well and went to visit my dear cousin Taylor in Nashville Tuesday so didn't arrive home until 12:30, and I'm not sure if it's AM or PM, but it's the one at night.
So today, Wednesday, I woke up for my 8 o'clock, forgot my coffee and cold medicine on the counter, went to Panera but wasn't even late to class, fell asleep in class, got a free lunch, then left early from class thinking that I'd just slip out because the teacher was out of the room. I proceeded to ask around class to see which door I should exit from so that I wouldn't run into Dr. W. Out of the three door choices to exit from, of course I chose the one where I ran straight into him, one-on-one in the hallway where I had to explain to him what I was doing. I didn't have a real reason to be leaving so I just looked like a lying idiot... "Umm, I had to leave at 1 so I just thought I'd go ahead and leave so that I didn't interrupt class." You may have had to be in the situation to see the awkwardness, but it was.
So anyways, to the point, Natalie and I decided that today we would be thankful for bowls. They are our favorite because they can be utilized for most of my favorite things--ice cream, cereal, soup, salads, mixing, and any other food you want to put in there!
It's so much easier to eat out of bowls. I mean, have you ever run out of bowls and tried eating cereal off of a plate? Don't even try. It will ruin your entire morning. And have you ever noticed that a salad tastes better when it is in a bowl? Well, it does.
The main reason I run the dishwasher at our apartment is because we run out of bowls. I guess we've been eating a little bit too much ice cream cereal and salads.
So let's give it up for bowls.
Comment and tell me any instances that you've appreciated the bowl.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Crackling Fireplaces and Down Mattress Toppers
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Guess What I'm Thankful For

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Christmas Music
Dear Jody...
Dear Jody,
You were always such a sweet little dog. I know that I wasn't always so sweet back to you, and all you wanted was for me to remember you when you left your paw prints on my church clothes. All you wanted was our loving attention when you chased our tires in the driveway. You really didn't mean to annoy us by making us stop and go as we were trying not to hit you (and I'm sorry for the times that I did hit you on the 4wheeler). And, the last time I was home, I know that I wasn't so nice screaming at telling you to get back outside when all you wanted to do was to join in the conversation in the living room because you didn’t know that once again you smelled like a dead squirrel. Sorry about that, I always though that it was just always understood that you were an outside dog.
I'm sorry you had to go in a traumatic way, but I think you were doing what you loved--chasing the UPS truck. I'm pretty sure that was the highlight of your every day since we lived on the mountain. You were always the fastest of all the dogs, you know. But I guess this time, you just didn't see the other car coming right for you.
I didn't think it would really affect me when you died because you're a dog and I care more about people than dogs. But, I do miss you even though I'm at school and I wouldn't see you anyways.
Just wanted you to know that there will be an empty place in our yard when I get home this weekend, and I'm going to notice it. These past 13 years you have always been right there, literally, when I got out of my car (even if it was when I was in my prom dress and you smelled like the pond).
Love, Melis
R.I.P. Jody
Thankful Day Two: Cute Little Kids

Monday, November 2, 2009
November: The Thankful Month, For Real